The 640 MEG Shareware Studio 1
The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume I (Data Express)(1992).ISO
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File List
26 lines
123PW40.ZIP 19,166 10-12-91 1-2-3 POWER WINDOWS V4.0: file dir manager
ACCNTS.ZIP 27,551 10-20-91 Keep track of opened files
ALITE110.ZIP 229,797 03-12-91 Alite v1.10: Powerful Spreadsheet
ASA501C.ZIP 332,634 05-29-92 As Easy As v5.01c .WKS compatible
ASEASY5C.ZIP 328,989 01-24-92 Award Winning Spreadsheet from TRIUS, Inc.
AUTOSAVE.ZIP 5,591 01-19-92 Auto save spreadsheet files at set intervals
A_INVEST.ZIP 3,105 05-09-92 Small spreadsheet for EXCEL
BIOQUAT.ZIP 6,323 11-06-91 Charts Biorythm Quattro Pro, w/graph
BRYTHM.ZIP 20,239 04-14-92 Biorhythm template generator for MS Excel.
CATWK1.ZIP 52,941 09-01-91 Lotus 123 format of file listing on Netwire
HAMSHEET.ZIP 9,494 01-18-92 Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet for amateur radio
ICEDEMO.ZIP 221,916 09-05-91 Demo of Baler's ICE speadsheet compiler
LOTUS123.ZIP 1,748 10-14-91 Change the name on Lotus 123 rel 3.0 and 3.1
MAGELLAN.ZIP 355,381 06-06-91 Magellan 2.0 demo, partially crippled.
MKSTUF.ZIP 4,489 09-04-91 Mouse KeyBoard Stuffer for AS-EASY-AS 4.00
MORTAGE.ZIP 9,578 09-01-90 Lotus template
MPG.ZIP 7,452 05-31-91 Mileage calc spreadsheet w/metric conversion
PRO_1040.ZIP 35,941 12-24-91 1-2-3 Spreadsheet: IRS form 1040
REALESQA.ZIP 35,905 07-21-91 Q&A Real estate property tracker template.
TAX9123W.ZIP 60,905 12-22-91 1991 Income Tax Worksheet: Lotus 123 For Win
TC903.ZIP 135,437 11-01-91 Turbo Calc from P&M Software: Spreadsheet
TERMCV.ZIP 19,423 01-12-91 4 Financial Lotus 123 Spreadsheets
THEBOSS.ZIP 8,560 11-12-91 A collection of spreadsheets
TURBOCAL.ZIP 109,788 04-19-92 Entry level spreadsheet w/ lots of features.
VCGM.ZIP 86,305 02-04-91 view *.CGM graphic files (Lotus graphics)